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Holidays are so much fun, especially when you have children. My favorite childhood memories involve holidays, and the simple, yet significant, things my parents did to make them special.
Last year, Easter was the first major holiday we got to spend with Jack. Granted, he was only a month old, so I’m sure he was just kind of confused about what we were doing, but it was still fun. Since he was so small, we obviously couldn’t give him chocolate or other sweet treats, so we filled his basket with just a few useful items that we had to buy anyways. We did buy chocolate and hide them in eggs, but we ate those!

This year, I think Jack might enjoy Easter a little bit more, even though he still can’t quite understand why we celebrate Easter. I still think he’s too young to get sweets in his basket (and he can’t have them anyway) so I’ve tried to brainstorm some easy and inexpensive ideas for things we can put in his Easter basket.
Obviously, Easter isn’t just about egg hunts and Easter baskets, but I still think it’s fun to do. Here are some of ideas I have come up with for what to fill a baby or toddler’s Easter basket. I’ve added more ideas, so there’s more than the original 22 promised in the title. Hopefully no one cares too much!
Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers
1. Bubbles
I think babies and toddlers alike can enjoy bubbles. When Jack was just a few months old, we started blowing bubbles with him and he was fascinated by them. Now, he loves trying to pop them. The dollar tree tends to have three-packs for sale, but most stores sell them relatively inexpensive. (We love these bubbles, though these glove-a-bubbles intrigue me!)
2. Pacifiers
If you have a Binky-Baby, take this as an opportunity to give them more pacifiers. Jack has seriously been obsessed with his Wubbanub binky since he was born, and it would be fun to get a bunny or duck one for Easter!
3. Pacifier Holders
This is an item that Jack got in his first Easter basket. We were so tired of losing his pacifiers when they fell out of his mouth (who knew a pacifier could fall so fast?!) so this was a definite must for his basket. Here is a nice and simple one!
4. Headbands
How adorable are these turban knotted headbands? Of course, any headbands would do! But I think these are extra cute.
5. Easter outfit
It’s a tool to make perfect bite size pieces of food for your kiddo. You can get ones in different shapes. I’ve heard rave reviews about this, and I think it’s genius!
7. Finger Crayons
My sister, Kristalyn, suggested these. For a toddler that is just starting to scribble and color, these are such a fun idea! So long as your little one doesn’t like to eat crayons (as we discovered Jack does.)
8. Sippy Cups
Target has the CUTEST themed sippy cups with straws. We got Jack a Santa Claus one for Christmas, and it’s his favorite cup (mainly because of the straw.) They currently have duck and bunny ones, and you better believe we got one for his basket. This Easter-themed sippy cup is kind of fun.
However, if you don’t care if the cup is easter themed, I always recommend Miracle 360. They are the best.
9. Cars
Jack is really starting to love playing with cars (he even makes a vroom sound) and these would fit perfectly in a basket. We really like these stacking cars from Melissa and Doug. These ones look perfect for toddlers as well.
10. Quiet Books
We have a few quiet books for Church. They keep Jack’s attention pretty well, which is nice. There are tons of tutorials on Pinterest to make your own, or you can find some on Amazon or Etsy. My friend, Kristina, sells some super cute quiet books on Etsy — be sure to check them out. I also love this one. Jack’s favorite is a photo book I made of all our family members (tutorial at this link).
11. Book About Easter
Here are a few cute Easter board books that I found on Amazon that I’m sure babies and toddlers would love. 10 Easter Egg Hunters, Here Comes the Easter Bunny! Bright Baby Touch and Feel Easter.
We’ve recently become kind of obsessed with My Busy Books. They are large, board books, that come with little figurines. Jack has the ones for Thomas the Train and Cars, and we recently bought my niece the one for Doc McStuffins. There are tons of different themes
12. Other Board Books
Don’t feel like everything has to be Easter themed. Any board book would be a fun addition to an Easter basket. I often see cute ones on sale at Target and Walmart, or even a thrift store.
13. Bibs
Bibs are always a good option! These bandana bibs seem to be all the rage lately! These bunny bibs are too cute.
14. Small Stuffed Animal
15. Bath Toys
We picked up these cute, stackable boats in Target’s (yes, I’m obsessed with Target) dollar section. You could also get bath crayons (also available at the Dollar Tree,) which makes for easy and fun bath time fun. Rubber duckies are also a fun choice. One of Jack’s favorite toys is a mini duck he got when his blood was drawn (Amazon has tons of these, in just about every theme you could think of.)
16. Cuddle and Color Bunny
17. Musical Toys
We love this Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes that I got on sale before Jack was born. He’s responded to it since he was a few weeks old, and still thinks it is a lot of fun.
19. Toddler Cutlery
I’m all about killing two birds with one stone. If you need something for your child, why not make it a part of their Easter basket? Jack loves his just to play with!
Once Jack started wanting to get his own snacks out of the containers they came in, we decided to get one of these. It’s much easier for him to get his treats out.
21. Oball
Jack has a few of these, and they are so fun. Babies will love them because they can easily hold them, and toddlers can throw them easily because they are so lightweight. We love the Oball Rattle the best. Other lightweight balls are a good idea as well.
22. New Pajamas
46. Alternatives for Candy in Easter Eggs
What do you put in your baby or toddler’s Easter baskets? I’d love to hear more ideas!

Original article and pictures take site
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